Welcome to

The East London BSA Owner's Club 


The Club was initially founded in 1962 and primarily setup to encourage 'BSA Motorcycle Riders' to come together and socialise; We have since met regularly every Friday evening.​

The aim of our beloved club is to promote the use and preservation of BSA Motorcycles.  

The club has come a long way since those early days and is now an absolute font of knowledge when discussing BSA's. Friday night (club night 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm) is generally organised with a theme i.e. Darts, Barbecue, Indoor Bowls, Bring & Buy etc. We occasionally have a ‘speaker’ attend, who gives a talk regarding his or hers profession or specialist subject. The club is a non-profit making club and is funded by a yearly membership fee. Money is also raised on club nights by selling tea, coffee and cakes; we also hold a weekly raffle (£1 for 2 tickets!). The club has weekly rides out throughout the summer and several throughout the winter months (weather permitting!).We also organise at least a couple of Camping Weekends throughout the year. Membership to our branch gives you full access to all National Club Services and events, such as ‘The Machine Dating Service’, The International Rally, The Annual Field Day, etc.


Club Profile

The club is run purely to bring like minded people together, to socialize and enjoy. 

We have an elected Committee which is currently chaired by Brian Waters. 

The Club meets every Friday at 7.30pm at:

The Cranham Community Centre, 115a Marlborough Gardens, Cranham, Upminster RM14 1SR.

The Club generally meets every Sunday with the intention of a ride out (weather permitting), failing that we'll have a coffee and a chat - we Meet at 'Bruces' at 10 a.m. (please email the club if you too want to join us Sunday a.m. and after authorisation/verification we will give you 'Bruces' details).

The Club is run in association with the National BSA Owners Club. 

(The National BSAOC Website Address is: http://www.bsaownersclub.co.uk/)

Annual membership is currently £10 per annum - this covers the cost of hiring the hall.

All initial contact to the BSAOC, EAST LONDON BRANCH, is to be made via our e-mail address: eastlondonbsaoc@yahoo.co.uk.

Below is a map of where we meet: (zoom in using the '+' in the bottom right hand corner for road directions).

Please use the form below to contact The East London BSAOC: 


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